Phylogenetics software - Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics Training - April 2024

Windows software
[Download] Java JDK x64 v8 pick "x64 Installer"
[Download] AliView v1.28
[Download] FigTree v1.4.4
[Download] MAFFT v7.520 instalation information [Here]
[Download] SAMPI Subsampling According to Metadata for Phylogenetic Inference
[Download] CAMPI Cleaning According to Metadata for Phylogenetic Inference
[Download] Python v3.12.3 and Biopython
Text editor
[Download] Notepad Plus Plus v8.6.5

macOS software
[Download] Java JDK x64 v8 pick "x64 DMG Installer" if Intel mac or "ARM64 DMG Installer" if M1/M2/M3 mac
[Download] AliView v1.28
[Download] FigTree v1.4.4
[Download] MAFFT v7.520 instalation information [Here]
[Download] SAMPI Subsampling According to Metadata for Phylogenetic Inference
[Download] CAMPI Cleaning According to Metadata for Phylogenetic Inference
[Download] Python v3.12.3 and Biopython
Text editor
[Download] BBEdit v15.0.3

Linux software
[Download] Java JDK x64 v8 pick the correct package for your Linux distribution
[Download] AliView v1.28
[Download] FigTree v1.4.4
[Download] MAFFT v7.52X
[Download] SAMPI Subsampling According to Metadata for Phylogenetic Inference
[Download] CAMPI Cleaning According to Metadata for Phylogenetic Inference
[Download] Python and Biopython

Web tools (installation not required)
[Access] PANGOLIN server web
[Access] Nextclade server web
[Access] GISAID website web
[Access] MAFFT server web
[Access] IQTree server 1 web
[Access] IQTree server 2 web

Data for exercises
[Download] Exercise data I web
[Download] Exercise data II web
[Download] Exercise data III web

2024 Nídia Trovão